Once upon a time a few years back, on a chilly December morning, six of us went out for our regular Saturday run through Sunnybrook Park. Merle, one of the runners turned back early, for reasons unknown at the time. When we returned, we had champagne & orange juice waiting for us. "A toast to the New Year and many more great years of running"! Little did we know then, that the first Tubman's Annual Holiday Trot would become a tradition that is still be going strong after 17 years. Although we had been running for eons, word began to circulate and this group continued to grow and grow and has had over 267 members at one time or another. The pleasure that I have been able to derive from helping to lead, train & motivate this special group of runners ...well, please read on as the awesome testimonials below speak for themselves. The Ultimate Warriors live on ... 2Run Forever.
Ken A ... I want to thank you for all the work that you do for everyone. Being new to the Ultimate Warrior club I am already seeing the benefits of all the hill work that you organized. I ran the ATB on the weekend and the hills felt so nice going up and I improved my time from last year by 7 minutes and ran a 2:07:38 this year. While this is not a PB for me, I know the improvement year over year was because of the hill work that we did. Thanks again!
Tim D... Everyone told me that from 21K on ATB got hilly. I need not have been concerned due to the hill training Jeff subjected us to. “If you want to get stronger…first do hills…then run longer” Best running advice I have ever been given. ATB 2:24:01 (first time runner). Thx, Jeff
Andre W ... So how does a 50 yr+ guy run a marathon ...or two or three...Working with Jeff provided three important things:
Inspiration: Watching and listening to Jeff, you can't help but get inspired to get out there and run!
Encouragement: In Jeff's world every run, every race, every discussion is a learning experience. Always positive, always valuable, always important, and always fun! Read more...
Knowledge: It's not rocket science but running science. From the proper shoes, to proper fuel to proper workouts. Hills, speed work,long runs and fun runs all work to get you to your goal whether its to compete in or just to complete the next race!
The Race Results: 6 - 10K's, a 15K, a 30K, 4 - 1/2 Marathons and the "ultimate" run, the Marathon - 3 completed and counting. All after the age of 50! With the help of Jeff, I learned to run. More importantly, I now love to run. As someone on the radio always says " if you could do it yourself you would have done it already!"
Adam B ... When I think of Cooper and running, I think of the words ... Inspiring, Knowledgeable, Passionate, Driven, and most of all ... the "F" word! "Fun is what its all about" Jeff keeps repeating and its true. Jeff's knowledge about running keeps the training schedule where it should be to reach your specific goals but designed to have some fun along the way (with a little pain) of course! Read more...
I was introduced to the Ultimate Warriors about 4 years ago and I had not run more that a Half Marathon. My goal at that time was to just complete my first marathon. I started running with the group on weekends and with Jeff's scheduling and friendly advice, I ended up completing my first marathon and then some. I had qualified for Boston on my first attempt! Since then I have run several Marathons and now a sub 3hr. I have also run several 50k races and done many Triathlons. My 1st Iron-man is this Nov. and I was on Team Canada for the 2011 World Duathalon Championships where I placed 44th. Running with Jeff has also given me the opportunities to run some other amazing events including a R2R2R crossing of the Grand Canyon and crewing & pacing Jeff's wife, Iris at Badwater. Looking back at the great accomplishments and opportunities that I have had in only 4 years of running, I can only imagine what lies ahead. All I can say is Thanks Jeff for always being there for advice and for making running "Fun"!
Steve O. Co-owner of Running Free Ajax...
I've been a long time runner, you know the old school type ... run by myself and follow my own schedule. I decided I needed more so I got a part time job at a running store. While cleaning up one day I happen to notice a piece of paper on the information wall about a free running group called The Ultimate Warriors. Read more...
Ha! The Ultimate Warriors! What could they offer a seasoned runner like me! Well, from the moment I met up with Jeff Cooper I knew I was among some of the most dedicated runners I've ever seen. I've known Jeff and the group now for about 3 years and I have to say that my running and more important, my love for running has grown. Jeff's knowledge of not just running but everything from nutrition to stretches and even the psychological aspects of running are truly amazing. I've learned even a seasoned runner like myself has a lot to learn. Thanks Jeff!
Nadeem K ... Director of Communications, International Association of Ultrarunners, Media and Communication Officer, Commonwealth Association of Mountain and Ultradistance Running, Vice President and Assistant Manager, Association of Canadian Ultramarathoners.
I met Jeff while going up the last hill at Sulphur Springs. Read more...
His passion for the sport of ultrarunning was contagious. Soon after that initial meeting I joined his running group and now seven years later, I am still proud to call myself an Ultimate Warrior.
I have gone on to be selected three times on the Canadian 24 Hour team having run for the national team in Taipei (2006) and Drummondville. To his own credit, Jeff is an outstanding runner. He continues to feature as one of the top notch ultra runners in Ontario in his age group. I am glad that I bumped into him on the hills of Sulphur Springs and today I can count on the Ultimate Warriors as my ultra group!
Iris C ... If I hadn't met Jeff 13 years ago, not only would I not be an accomplished Ultra Runner, I doubt I'd even be running at all! Jeff is a wonderful person with a great gift to motivate. He has helped me with my training schedule from the very beginning and over the years I have learned so much from him. He taught me that with hard work, the right training schedule, the will to succeed and to believe in myself, that anything is possible. I discovered my passion for running because of Jeff and I'm eternally grateful for that. When I ran my first Half Marathon I would never have imagined in a million years that I would go on to run 18 - 100 Milers to date including running my third Badwater Ultra Marathon this past year. Thanks Jeff, for all your help and support and for inspiring me to achieve more than I could have possibly ever dreamed of. The Swiss Miss (Click to view)
Mel L ... I know I have only known the group since January 2011 but I would like to say your group has been very supportive and enthusiastic regardless of the level of runner that you are. I remember my first run with your group fondly! Read more...
There was a small gathering to run in the -30C wind-chill temperatures and my hair turned white. The cold weather didn't faze me because I knew that there was a supportive bunch of runners waiting to go out for a morning run! If it wasn't for your group I would've struggled in my first attempt at the Around the Bay Road Race this past March. Your group does hills like no other group I have ever been a part of!
Susie S ... I know for sure those hill training weekends were a big plus for me. Now I can look at any hills and it doesn't faze me to do them. I firmly believe that those runs helped me achieve a great time at Sulphur Springs this year.
Alison(1L) ... My fondest memory was running the hills at Hogg's Hollow. I knew I wanted help with distance training but frankly I had my doubts about being able to do the full series with the rest of you. But you and the Ultimate Warriors were so supportive that I really looked forward to getting out there and before I knew it I was actually able to run 30k of hills! Read more...
After the winter hill training I was able to run Around the Bay without walking once and I did my first ultra marathon at Seaton Trail that Spring. Both were a really big deal for me. You've been a great leader for the group … welcoming each new person, cheering them on, keeping the energy up, and providing all sorts of useful fitness advice. Thank you for welcoming me in from day one and keeping me inspired - even when I'm laying low from injuries.
Jim M ... Jeff's program has assisted me in staying focused for my races. It has definitely made me a better runner and kept me motivated.
2001/ 2006 Ontario Ultra Series Overall Male Points Leader
2002 ACU - Canadian 100K Team Member
Rob F ... I have been running with Jeff Cooper and the Ultimate Warriors for three years. Since joining their group, I have so far reduced my marathon time by almost 40 minutes! Even more importantly, I used to feel like a truck had hit me after a marathon. Now, I might have some slight soreness for a day or two, but nothing incapacitating like before. Read more...
I have also started Trail racing this year, which is a much different type of running that is quite enjoyable. It is great being out in nature and away from the cars! I look forward to the group runs, which motivate me to get out of the house. Often, I would end up not going for a run if I didn't know that there would be a great group of people to talk to during and after the run (the post-run coffee is pure heaven). I look forward to Jeff's e-mails on Wednesday nights letting us know the plans for the weekend.
Derek R ... Cooper and his Ultimate Warriors training have been key components to my running achievements since my first Saturday morning outing from Base Second Cup. They have been exceptionally relevant and productive in helping me to prepare for Disney's Goofy Race and a Half in Florida, an event I have completed the last three Januarys. Read more...
Thanks to Jeff's "back-to-back" Saturday-Sunday runs, the half marathon on Saturday and the marathon on Sunday ceased to be at all "Goofy" and this year my Goofy Marathon gave me another BQ time. Jeff is an inspirational guy, and a very smart coach who leads by example just as well as he applies his vast experience to counsel his friends and followers.
Jim O ... I started training with Jeff in 2007. Over the next 2 years, I placed first in the Ontario Ultra Series, first in Trail Runner magazine's Trophy Series, and qualified for the World 24-Hour Championships in Seoul, South Korea. I highly recommend Jeff as a running coach. His expertise and enthusiasm will help you become a better runner, no matter what your fitness level, age or challenges you may face. Oh! the Places You'll Go!
David F ... I am a firm believer in hills to build strength. Strength translates into speed and endurance. I discovered the Ultimate Warriors Hill Workouts last December. I came out for most of these workouts last year and what a way to get your season going. Build the strength then add the speed and endurance.
Merle T ... 3:57:04 ... it brought tears to my eyes! Never in my imagination did I think it was possible for me to break the 4 hour marathon time. But with Jeff Cooper's guidance that involved speed work, hills,long runs and more, it was possible. Jeff knew what buttons to push, when to urge gently and when to flat out say you need to get this done this week. This I needed and could not get out of the host of running books I read when training on my own.
Ralph C ... Running with the Warriors raised my commitment and performance to a new level. I was finally able to achieve that elusive goal: THE BOSTON QUALIFIER. Running Boston enabled me to solidify the “running life” to balance the rest. Painful, but exhilarating fun.
Jonas C ... When I first started running with the Ultimate Warriors I was intimidated by the volume, distance, and speed that they could do. But by finding a group of runners who were running at different levels I was able to gain confidence over time and improve. Read more...
Jeff has always been very helpful and informative on my approach, and with his tips, I've now run 3 marathons and improved my 10k and 1/2 marathon times. I think his attention to hill training in the winter is my favourite skill session.Though rigorous,I've come into the spring feeling stronger and faster while setting PBs right from the start of the season.
Garth B. Co-owner of Running Free Ajax...
I am a runner. It is one of the fundamental ways I identify myself. A driving force that shaped my path in running is a group called The Ultimate Warriors. Jeff Cooper is the driving force behind the Ultimate Warriors. No single person has done more to advance my abilities and fuel my passion for running. If you are interested in running and improving, do yourself a favour and meet with a driving force in the Toronto running community. Meet with Jeff Cooper.
Maxine ... I heard about the Ultimate Warriors through a friend of mine.I had done a half marathon the year before,and decided it was time to attempt a full one. However, I was fearful that I would not be able to complete it. Read more...
I decided to run with the Ultimate Warriors on a hot August morning.I knew this would be the "ultimate" test .The support I received was amazing. I was told I would be able to run a full marathon, no problem! A month later,I went on to complete my first full marathon. I truly believe running with this group gave me the confidence and encouragement I needed to succeed.I am very grateful for this.
Vique ... The Ultimate Warriors is the group that got me into Ultra running 2 years ago after a chance encounter in the neighbourhood. I had never heard of a B2B before and I was very proud - and exhausted - after my first one. Read more...
Hard to keep up with these guys. Even though I now often prefer a run in the trails outside of Toronto on weekends, I still run occasionally with the gang, and keep in touch with Jeff and a bunch of other wonderful and dedicated runners at races throughout the summer, and at the special "hill workouts" in the winter.
John V ... I have been running with Jeff for close to a year now and with the variety of training on trail and road, my running has greatly improved! Thank you Jeff.
Howard P ... The Ultimate Warriors are a great bunch of people. The camaraderie and willingness of them to help through any situation is testament to your strong leadership. Read more...
Being motivated and inspired by the weekly emails to get out there and run is just one of many reasons I enjoy the Warriors. The hill workouts get me ready for Around the Bay. The year end champagne toast is a nice touch. Thanks Jeff for keeping me motivated to run!
Debrah B ... There are so many ways in which Jeff has inspired me over the years...where to start but at the beginning! I had just finished the Toronto Marathon in October 2005 and was changing after the race with 2 guys (Merle and Wayne) who kindly forwarded my email address to Jeff. Read more...
Shortly after that, I began receiving the Wednesday night emails stating these unheard of distances in the off season!!! I then came out to the Annual Tubman's Christmas Trot where less than 12 runners ran 10 miles and then drank champagne! I was welcomed warmly and from then on knew that these special people were going to be training partners for the "long run" . I have learned that distance running is more mental than physical. That Hill training is not hard but essential! I can now run up that monster hill after 20 km of Trails! With The Ultimate Warrior Hills and learning to run on tired legs with back to back Long Runs, I finally, after 17 marathons, qualified for and ran Boston! I have since been introduced to some challenging trails where I don't have to run fast, and can just enjoy the nature and camaraderie!
Running has been a part of my life for 25 years. Running with Cooper and his unstoppable energy has shown me that I can accomplish my running dreams if I try! He gently reminds me to keep running when sometimes I think I want to walk! He always sees that NO one is left behind and that no one finishes alone and that Newbies get hot chocolate!
Reed N ... Back in 2005, I'd had enough of road racing and was essentially running junk miles in the Sunnybrook Park near my home. I was thinking of off-road events, but felt they were too challenging and lengthy for someone at my age to justify even trying. So I started running occasionally with the Ultimate Warriors. Read more...
While I'm not a regular, I keep a close eye on the updates from Jeff each week, and am able to join the crowd on training runs once in a while. In any event, I caught the cross country running bug through the Warriors' and Jeff's own connections with the Ontario Ultra and Trail Series races. I've competed in the Trail Series each year since 2006 and am now running most of the events on the annual schedule.
I can tell you that Jeff has always set the bar high for himself - both he and his wife Iris compete at levels I can only imagine - but I can tell you too that the group he has built (virtually single handed) consists of many runners of varying levels of skill, ability and endurance. I know he has encouraged and guided many of those who would consider themselves lower tier runners (I'm one of them) to run stronger and faster. And many have as you will see from some of the remarks others have posted here, not just exceeded some of their own expectations, they've gone on to achieve recognition at both national and international levels. This all beginning with an assembly of casual runners Jeff organized from week to week, in January doing hill work-outs to help with longer distances in races later on, moving to more demanding work-outs at longer distances as the weather improved, to the actual competitive season where the Warriors were well represented on podiums in various age and gender categories in events across North America.Those who are thinking about taking their running to a different level would do well to engage Jeff as an integral part of improving their ability and fitness,and more importantly, broadening their appreciation of the activity overall.
Robert F ... I met and started running with Jeff Cooper and his group of amazing runners, The Ultimate Warriors about 3 years ago. Jeff is well known in the running community. Jeff has a great knowledge of running. Read more...
When I first met Jeff I asked him some questions about "Long Distance Running" and he was able to help me out. I soon realized how lucky I was to know Jeff. Thanks to Jeff my running has improved. If you VALUE running to be an important part of your life then Jeff Cooper is "The Man" to talk because he knows best.
Ron R ... Jeff Cooper and The Ultimate Warriors. What a motivator! What a team! After decades of running and racing, distances up to and including marathons, I thought I was over the hill and past it, and then along came Jeff and a small group that became the early version of The Ultimate Warriors. Read more...
My wife Louise and I started running the Saturday workouts with them, as often as we could and found ourselves rejuvenated, challenged, encouraged and warmly welcomed. Before I knew it, I was running a 50K race. I remember running through the 42KM mark, and being quite emotional. Heretofore, this would have been my finish line. Thanks Jeff!
Jeff never challenges anyone to do anything that he hasn't already done (or tried) himself. Give us a try. "Our fearless leader" (as I like to refer to Jeff) will "make you happen".
Adi S ... Jeff Cooper has the unique ability to encourage and support while at the same time push you to limits you did not know were possible. When you think you can’t go anymore, he lets you see that you still have an extra gear. His commitment to running and to seeing that everyone achieves their very best is the mark of a true coach, mentor and leader. I thank my lucky stars that I “stumbled” upon him and the Ultimate Warriors.
Bernie K ... I have known Jeff for over 6 years. I asked him once to take me off his running list, based on stuff going on in my life. He would not! He never gave up on me and I now run with the Ultimate Warriors, doing the hills and other long runs for ATB (11 times). Read more...
I now no longer fear the hills in the last third of the race. Jeff did not give up on me and he will not give up on you. He will take you from whatever level you are to the finish line and you will enjoy the journey throughout your training. He won't let you give in - you will succeed.
Jody Y ... I have been running marathons for 6 years but it wasn't until I met Cooper and the Ultimate Warriors that my dream of qualifying for the Boston marathon actual became a reality. And I can tell you exactly what worked for me...Cooper's infamous hill workouts! Read more...
Yes they were challenging, but they were also fun! Seeing forty to fifty people running up and down those crazy hills for hours and each one cheering for you on the way up or down, gave such a sense of camaraderie. Cooper was always there to give a useful piece of advice, a friendly high-five, or a push up the hill! I know I would not have been able to achieve my goals without him. Thanks, Cooper!
Richard S ... Although not quite a "regular", I have been running with the Ultimate Warriors for about 3 years now. One of the great benefits is the variety of runners that I can run with. Jeff’s group runs definitely helped with my Disney Goofy success in 2010. Read more...
Running hills in the crucible (Hog’s Hollow) is a tough but necessary workout each winter too, and the group is the best at this workout. Jeff is a great motivator and can help with any question about running that you may have and he has surrounded himself with a great group of people. Thanks Jeff!
Eric P ... I was recovering from a stress fracture to the femur when I first joined Jeff's Ultimate Warriors, and boy was I intimidated when I heard what they were running. He and the others in the group welcomed me and helped me modify their training schedule so I could ramp up and then really run with them. Read more...
I've gone from so-so 10k results, through a half marathon, and will now tackle a 50 km trail race, and I wouldn't have done it without the Warriors. Jeff has a very deep knowledge of running and of all the other things serious running entails, and he shares this knowledge freely with others (yes, he even talks about the icky bits you might be too shy to ask someone else). Add to that his unflagging enthusiasm and unending scheduled emails, and you'll be hooked. I know I am - Thanks Jeff!
Sandy J ... After making a commitment to enter my first ultra marathon, I wasn’t sure what to do next. How does one train for a 250km race in the desert? I count myself lucky to have been introduced to Jeff and his hardy group, and to have been so warmly included in their weekend training sessions. Jeff is the epitome of consistency and dependability. Read more...
Every week, 52 weeks of the year, he has a training plan to share. Participating in some pretty daunting hill workouts during the winter months contributed to both my early strength building and confidence. Thank you, Jeff, for your enthusiasm and support. That’s what we all need when pushing past our comfort zone.
Lee Anne ... Hills, hills, hills, hated them the first time (really thought ... are you kidding me?) and grew to enjoy it by the end of the training. I felt like I could charge up any hill without fear. Last year I was injured but managed to get in quite a few before I was sidelined. Read more...
This year I will be out every time I can, it makes me run more confidently and of course gets you in shape real quick! I found with this workout,you know where your body's deficiencies are, and you can strengthen those areas with cross training. Thank you Ultimate Warriors for letting me tag along in your hill training...you guys are truly an inspiration for me!
Helen M ... Thing I like most about running with the Ultimate Warriors is that they are always so reliable – no phone calls to make arrangements regarding time or place. There are so many great Ultimate Warrior runners that it encourages you to always strive to run your best!
Tim D ... I had the good fortune of bumping into Cooper and his group while I was on a short run in June 2011. I started running with the group the following day. My longest run of the year up to that point was 10 miles. Cooper paced with me on the way out. We talked about my goals and why I was running. I immediately found his approach refreshing and insightful. Read more...
During the course of this initial run, it became apparent that this group were members of an ultra distance running group. In fact,many in the group are a part of Ontario's ultra marathon elite. Cooper tailor's each weekend training run according to the weekly competitive running calender. It became quite apparent, that if I wanted to increase my speed and stamina, following Cooper's weekly routine would undoubtedly help keep me motivated and focused. I have subsequently found that my ability to run at a faster pace over long distances has never been better. Having tackled runs of all distances, Cooper's knowledge of the physical and mental challenges that need to be overcome has been very helpful in my training. I would recommend Cooper to anyone looking to become a better, more consistent runner.
Rob G ... I have been running for twenty years. In the past two years, since I started training with Jeff and the Ultimate Warriors, I’ve been able to complete the Badwater 135 mile, Lost 118 mile, five other 100 milers trail races, four 100 km races and a few other 50 milers, 50km and marathons to boot. If you’re a runner or a "want-to-be", want great motivation and endurance training, I recommend Jeff Cooper.
Kathie K ... I was introduced to Jeff Cooper and the Ultimate Warriors by fellow runners in 2007 and knew at once that the members of the Ultimate Warriors were not only exceptional runners but exceptional people as well. Most of all, I could see that Jeff was a true leader, coach, mentor and a genuine person. Read more...
Prior to running with Jeff and the Ultimate Warriors, I had only participated in road races ranging from the 10K to Marathon distance.With Jeff's guidance and his running program, I was introduced to trail running and, at once, I was addicted. Together with a combination of Jeff's hill training and back-to-back runs, I was able to participate in all of the 2007 OTS events and achieve 3rd Place in the female under 40 category and the Brian Huston Award in the trail series standings. Over the years, as my strength and running confidence has increased, I have added to my running resume a few 6 hour and 50k trail events and I look forward to new achievements in the future. Thanks Jeff for your all your experience, knowledge and motivation in helping me become a better runner and person.
Gavin S ... I have no hesitation in acknowledging the benefits, encouragement and camaraderie of doing hill repeats at Hogg's Hollow every other weekend at the beginning of the year. The social times afterward and Tubman's Xmas Trot are an added bonus! Read more...
It was the awareness of this training plan that motivated Rick McDowell and myself to make progressive hill training part of our regimen and then join Jeff at Hogg's Hollow for the bi-weekly training. I know it enabled me to take an hour off my finishing times in the 100-mile races I participated in at Sulphur Springs and Haiburton that year.
Glenn G ... Some of the things I like abut the Ultimate Warriors are:
- How well Jeff Cooper has the group organized with the training distances and routes we take.
- The great camaraderie with a great group of like-minded people. Read more...
- The consistency of the scheduled runs. While anyone could show up at any time, you pretty well know who to expect. Weather doesn't scare the core group away because "the run must go on".
-How Jeff keeps us informed of upcoming events.
Last but not least, the positive attitude of Jeff can't be beat.
Alison G ... I've only been out with the group in the winters, every other weekend as we do those mountainous Hoggs Hollow Hills. It's been great running up and down Yonge Street with other crazy folk in minus 15 degree weather and slippery snow Read more...
(one day even having to dodge the sidewalk snowplow).It's great to get the legs in shape for Around the Bay, Boston, and in 2010, when I ran Big Sur. Thanks for all the emails, and I look forward to coming out again this coming winter!
Nir M ... Just got into Boston and I am thrilled! This will be my 3rd Boston in a row and I can’t wait. I may not be an ultra runner ... yet but your group and your acceptance is very comforting. Even though I don’t show up regularly, I am ALWAYS made to feel welcome and it is a great feeling. Read more...
Although I have not been around from the beginning, running with the Ultimate Warriors on Saturdays has helped me immensely. To be honest, it’s not how much I have been helped in the past 9 years as how much I look forward to training with you guys in the future. I will be out Saturdays soon and I know it will be make me a stronger runner. Saturdays in the winter are great! By the time most people are getting out of bed and heading over to Starbucks for their bacon & eggs breakfast, we have clocked a 10 miler or a bunch of hills. All good things.
DJ ... Over the past 9 years, I have run many short to long distance races with Jeff Cooper including 10K's, half-marathon's, 30K's, marathon's, 50K's, 50m's, Comrades and a recent 105 mile 4 day stage race. He is very dedicated to the sport and well-versed in all its various aspects ... like training programs ... Hills, B2B's, tempo and interval runs for different race paces. Also, knows about gels and bars, drinks, shoes and clothes, road and trail races.
Wayne S ... Running with Jeff and the Ultimate Warriors has given me the inspiration and drive that I never expected. I have been running with Jeff for 9 years and I have gone way beyond my own expectations, I have achieved things that I never set out to do and surprised myself on many occasions. I would recommend Jeff to anyone who is looking for that "gentle push" forward from a motivator and a coach.
Todd M ... After training in a clinic and running the Toronto Half Marathon - my first race, I decided on trail races going forward. Distances don't stop at 42.2, and they aren't downhill. My first 25km trail race in 2005 nearly killed me. I remember finishing and then watching people go to do another 25km loop for the 50km distance. I simply could not believe it. Was it humanly possible? Read more...
I had to pull over several times on the way home to throw up and spent the next day unable to walk due to dizziness. It wasn't long after that I read my wife an article about a 100 Miler (160km) race at Sulphur Springs. I had to stop several times while reading it because I was laughing so hard. People were doing 8 - 25km loops! Seriously! Who? And why? And even how? Ambition eventually got the better of me and I attempted my first 50km after a few years. I broke down after about 40km. But as luck would have it, I met an Ultimate Warrior who got me to the finish and introduced me to Jeff.
Fast forward. I've been training with Jeff and his Warriors for almost 3 years now. That 100 Miler at Sulphur - I did that this year and reached my goal of less than 24 hours. And a tough 24 hour race a few months later - I ran 150km and won it outright. These are just a few of many, many highlights since I started training with Jeff. I've also had the pleasure of running with him during quite a number of races - including the first 50 Miles at Sulphur. Inspirational, experienced and dedicated. A few weeks after beginning training with him in 2009, I missed a week and Jeff called me worried I might be injured. I knew then that I had a very bright future of running ahead of me. And I'm excited about what is still to come.
Joshua Y ... I have been pretty much a solo runner for 16 years but during my first Ultra (Haliburton 2010), I chatted with several runners and discovered a group called the Ultimate Warriors in Toronto. They were well known to be full of years of knowledge and experience as well as a friendly bunch to run with. Read more...
I contacted Jeff Cooper who immediately began sending the weekly newsletter and invited me out to the group run.
Throughout the fall I took a very easy approach to running and didn't join the group runs, however I continued to receive the weekly newsletter from Jeff. His motivation, passion and knowledge for long distance running are shared weekly, and any questions I have had, Jeff has been able to answer them from his years of experience. I hope to join the group in the new year so that I can enjoy the company of like-minded runners out on the trails.Thanks Jeff!
Ed K ... I started doing some short runs about 10 years ago, just to see if I liked running. I eventually worked up to doing 5and 10K runs but could never imagine myself doing anything beyond that. Then I had a conversation with Jeff and he both inspired me and gave me the self-confidence that I could do any distance I wanted and really enjoy it! Read more...
Eventually, I conquered a marathon and Jeff’s support made a huge difference. I couldn’t make it out regularly with the Ultimate Warriors, but made sure I came out occasionally to assess my progress on the training I had done and to get “fired up” by all the positive reinforcement I received from Jeff. He oozes a “you can do it” attitude combined with knowledge about running that is second to none. After each run with his group I left energized and highly motivated. I found that when I was with Jeff’s group, I often ran a longer distance and at a faster pace than I had expected. Some of Jeff’s runners have competed in World Championships and run mind-boggling distances. I am at the opposite end of the spectrum but I felt he derived as much satisfaction from helping people like me as he did in celebrating the accomplishments of his Ultimate Warrior disciples. I would highly recommend Jeff as a trainer to anyone interested in running at any level, from beginners doing short distances to those looking to do super long ultra- marathons.