
Once upon a time a few years back, on a chilly December morning, six of us went out for our regular Saturday run through Sunnybrook Park. Merle, one of the runners turned back early, for reasons unknown at the time. When we returned, we had champagne & orange juice waiting for us. "A toast to the New Year and many more great years of running"! Little did we know then, that the first Tubman's Annual Holiday Trot would become a tradition that is still be going strong after 17 years. Although we had been running for eons, word began to circulate and this group continued to grow and grow and has had over 267 members at one time or another. The pleasure that I have been able to derive from helping to lead, train & motivate this special group of runners ...well, please read on as the awesome testimonials below speak for themselves. The Ultimate Warriors live on ... 2Run Forever.

Ken A ...  I want to thank you for all the work that you do for everyone. Being new to the Ultimate Warrior club I am already seeing the benefits of all the hill work that you organized.  I ran the ATB on the weekend and the hills felt so nice going up and I improved my time from last year by 7 minutes and ran a 2:07:38 this year. While this is not a PB for me, I know the improvement year over year was because of the hill work that we did. Thanks again!

Tim D...  Everyone told me that from 21K on ATB got hilly.  I need not have been concerned due to the hill training Jeff subjected us to.  “If you want to get stronger…first do hills…then run longer”  Best running advice I have ever been given. ATB 2:24:01 (first time runner). Thx, Jeff

Andre W ... So how does a 50 yr+ guy run a marathon ...or two or three...Working with Jeff provided three important things:
Inspiration: Watching and listening to Jeff, you can't help but get inspired to get out there and run!
Encouragement: In Jeff's world every run, every race, every discussion is a learning experience. Always positive, always valuable, always important, and always fun! Read more...

Adam B ... When I think of Cooper and running, I think of the words ... Inspiring, Knowledgeable, Passionate, Driven, and most of all ... the "F" word! "Fun is what its all about" Jeff keeps repeating and its true. Jeff's knowledge about running keeps the training schedule where it should be to reach your specific goals but designed to have some fun along the way (with a little pain) of course! Read more...

Steve O. Co-owner of Running Free Ajax...
I've been a long time runner, you know the old school type ... run by myself and follow my own schedule. I decided I needed more so I got a part time job at a running store. While cleaning up one day I happen to notice a piece of paper on the information wall about a free running group called The Ultimate Warriors. Read more...

Nadeem K ... Director of Communications, International Association of Ultrarunners, Media and Communication Officer, Commonwealth Association of Mountain and Ultradistance Running, Vice President and Assistant Manager, Association of Canadian Ultramarathoners.
I met Jeff while going up the last hill at Sulphur Springs. Read more...

Iris C ... If I hadn't met Jeff 13 years ago, not only would I not be an accomplished Ultra Runner, I doubt I'd even be running at all! Jeff is a wonderful person with a great gift to motivate. He has helped me with my training schedule from the very beginning and over the years I have learned so much from him. He taught me that with hard work, the right training schedule, the will to succeed and to believe in myself, that anything is possible. I discovered my passion for running because of Jeff and I'm eternally grateful for that. When I ran my first Half Marathon I would never have imagined in a million years that I would go on to run 18 - 100 Milers to date including running my third Badwater Ultra Marathon this past year. Thanks Jeff, for all your help and support and for inspiring me to achieve more than I could have possibly ever dreamed of. The Swiss Miss (Click to view)

Mel L ... I know I have only known the group since January 2011 but I would like to say your group has been very supportive and enthusiastic regardless of the level of runner that you are. I remember my first run with your group fondly! Read more...

Susie S ... I know for sure those hill training weekends were a big plus for me. Now I can look at any hills and it doesn't faze me to do them. I firmly believe that those runs helped me achieve a great time at Sulphur Springs this year.

Alison(1L) ... My fondest memory was running the hills at Hogg's Hollow. I knew I wanted help with distance training but frankly I had my doubts about being able to do the full series with the rest of you. But you and the Ultimate Warriors were so supportive that I really looked forward to getting out there and before I knew it I was actually able to run 30k of hills! Read more...

Jim M ... Jeff's program has assisted me in staying focused for my races. It has definitely made me a better runner and kept me motivated.
2001/ 2006 Ontario Ultra Series Overall Male Points Leader
2002 ACU - Canadian 100K Team Member

Rob F ... I have been running with Jeff Cooper and the Ultimate Warriors for three years. Since joining their group, I have so far reduced my marathon time by almost 40 minutes! Even more importantly, I used to feel like a truck had hit me after a marathon. Now, I might have some slight soreness for a day or two, but nothing incapacitating like before. Read more...

Derek R ... Cooper and his Ultimate Warriors training have been key components to my running achievements since my first Saturday morning outing from Base Second Cup. They have been exceptionally relevant and productive in helping me to prepare for Disney's Goofy Race and a Half in Florida, an event I have completed the last three Januarys. Read more...

Jim O ... I started training with Jeff in 2007. Over the next 2 years, I placed first in the Ontario Ultra Series, first in Trail Runner magazine's Trophy Series, and qualified for the World 24-Hour Championships in Seoul, South Korea. I highly recommend Jeff as a running coach. His expertise and enthusiasm will help you become a better runner, no matter what your fitness level, age or challenges you may face. Oh! the Places You'll Go!

David F ... I am a firm believer in hills to build strength. Strength translates into speed and endurance. I discovered the Ultimate Warriors Hill Workouts last December. I came out for most of these workouts last year and what a way to get your season going. Build the strength then add the speed and endurance.

Merle T ... 3:57:04 ... it brought tears to my eyes! Never in my imagination did I think it was possible for me to break the 4 hour marathon time. But with Jeff Cooper's guidance that involved speed work, hills,long runs and more, it was possible. Jeff knew what buttons to push, when to urge gently and when to flat out say you need to get this done this week. This I needed and could not get out of the host of running books I read when training on my own.

Ralph C ... Running with the Warriors raised my commitment and performance to a new level. I was finally able to achieve that elusive goal: THE BOSTON QUALIFIER. Running Boston enabled me to solidify the “running life” to balance the rest.  Painful, but exhilarating fun.

Jonas C ... When I first started running with the Ultimate Warriors I was intimidated by the volume, distance, and speed that they could do. But by finding a group of runners who were running at different levels I was able to gain confidence over time and improve. Read more...

Garth B. Co-owner of Running Free Ajax...
I am a runner. It is one of the fundamental ways I identify myself. A driving force that shaped my path in running is a group called The Ultimate Warriors. Jeff Cooper is the driving force behind the Ultimate Warriors. No single person has done more to advance my abilities and fuel my passion for running. If you are interested in running and improving, do yourself a favour and meet with a driving force in the Toronto running community. Meet with Jeff Cooper. 

Maxine ... I heard about the Ultimate Warriors through a friend of mine.I had done a half marathon the year before,and decided it was time to attempt a full one. However, I was fearful that I would not be able to complete it. Read more...

Vique ... The Ultimate Warriors is the group that got me into Ultra running 2 years ago after a chance encounter in the neighbourhood. I had never heard of a B2B before and I was very proud - and exhausted - after my first one. Read more...

John V ... I have been running with Jeff for close to a year now and with the variety of training on trail and road, my running has greatly improved! Thank you Jeff.

Howard P ... The Ultimate Warriors are a great bunch of people. The camaraderie and willingness of them to help through any situation is testament to your strong leadership. Read more...

Debrah B ... There are so many ways in which Jeff has inspired me over the years...where to start but at the beginning! I had just finished the Toronto Marathon in October 2005 and was changing after the race with 2 guys (Merle and Wayne) who kindly forwarded my email address to Jeff. Read more...

Reed N ... Back in 2005, I'd had enough of road racing and was essentially running junk miles in the Sunnybrook Park near my home. I was thinking of off-road events, but felt they were too challenging and lengthy for someone at my age to justify even trying. So I started running occasionally with the Ultimate Warriors. Read more...

Robert F ... I met and started running with Jeff Cooper and his group of amazing runners, The Ultimate Warriors about 3 years ago. Jeff is well known in the running community. Jeff has a great knowledge of running. Read more...

Ron R ... Jeff Cooper and The Ultimate Warriors. What a motivator! What a team! After decades of running and racing, distances up to and including marathons, I thought I was over the hill and past it, and then along came Jeff and a small group that became the early version of The Ultimate Warriors. Read more...

Adi S ... Jeff Cooper has the unique ability to encourage and support while at the same time push you to limits you did not know were possible. When you think you can’t go anymore, he lets you see that you still have an extra gear. His commitment to running and to seeing that everyone achieves their very best is the mark of a true coach, mentor and leader. I thank my lucky stars that I “stumbled” upon him and the Ultimate Warriors.

Bernie K ... I have known Jeff for over 6 years. I asked him once to take me off his running list, based on stuff going on in my life. He would not! He never gave up on me and I now run with the Ultimate Warriors, doing the hills and other long runs for ATB (11 times). Read more...

Jody Y ... I have been running marathons for 6 years but it wasn't until I met Cooper and the Ultimate Warriors that my dream of qualifying for the Boston marathon actual became a reality. And I can tell you exactly what worked for me...Cooper's infamous hill workouts! Read more...

Richard S ... Although not quite a "regular", I have been running with the Ultimate Warriors for about 3 years now. One of the great benefits is the variety of runners that I can run with. Jeff’s group runs definitely helped with my Disney Goofy success in 2010. Read more...

Eric P ... I was recovering from a stress fracture to the femur when I first joined Jeff's Ultimate Warriors, and boy was I intimidated when I heard what they were running. He and the others in the group welcomed me and helped me modify their training schedule so I could ramp up and then really run with them. Read more...

Sandy J ... After making a commitment to enter my first ultra marathon, I wasn’t sure what to do next. How does one train for a 250km race in the desert? I count myself lucky to have been introduced to Jeff and his hardy group, and to have been so warmly included in their weekend training sessions. Jeff is the epitome of consistency and dependability. Read more...

Lee Anne ... Hills, hills, hills, hated them the first time (really thought ... are you kidding me?) and grew to enjoy it by the end of the training. I felt like I could charge up any hill without fear. Last year I was injured but managed to get in quite a few before I was sidelined. Read more...

Helen M ... Thing I like most about running with the Ultimate Warriors is that they are always so reliable – no phone calls to make arrangements regarding time or place. There are so many great Ultimate Warrior runners that it encourages you to always strive to run your best!

Tim D ... I had the good fortune of bumping into Cooper and his group while I was on a short run in June 2011. I started running with the group the following day. My longest run of the year up to that point was 10 miles. Cooper paced with me on the way out. We talked about my goals and why I was running. I immediately found his approach refreshing and insightful. Read more...

Rob G ... I have been running for twenty years. In the past two years, since I started training with Jeff and the Ultimate Warriors, I’ve been able to complete the Badwater 135 mile, Lost 118 mile, five other 100 milers trail races, four 100 km races and a few other 50 milers, 50km and marathons to boot. If you’re a runner or a "want-to-be", want great motivation and endurance training, I recommend Jeff Cooper.

Kathie K ... I was introduced to Jeff Cooper and the Ultimate Warriors by fellow runners in 2007 and knew at once that the members of the Ultimate Warriors were not only exceptional runners but exceptional people as well. Most of all, I could see that Jeff was a true leader, coach, mentor and a genuine person. Read more...

Gavin S ... I have no hesitation in acknowledging the benefits, encouragement and camaraderie of doing hill repeats at Hogg's Hollow every other weekend at the beginning of the year. The social times afterward and Tubman's Xmas Trot are an added bonus! Read more...

Glenn G ... Some of the things I like abut the Ultimate Warriors are:
- How well Jeff Cooper has the group organized with the training distances and routes we take.
- The great camaraderie with a great group of like-minded people. Read more...

Alison G ... I've only been out with the group in the winters, every other weekend as we do those mountainous Hoggs Hollow Hills. It's been great running up and down Yonge Street with other crazy folk in minus 15 degree weather and slippery snow Read more...

Nir M ... Just got into Boston and I am thrilled! This will be my 3rd Boston in a row and I can’t wait. I may not be an ultra runner ... yet but your group and your acceptance is very comforting. Even though I don’t show up regularly, I am ALWAYS made to feel welcome and it is a great feeling. Read more...

DJ ... Over the past 9 years, I have run many short to long distance races with Jeff Cooper including 10K's, half-marathon's, 30K's, marathon's, 50K's, 50m's, Comrades and a recent 105 mile 4 day stage race. He is very dedicated to the sport and well-versed in all its various aspects ... like training programs ... Hills, B2B's, tempo and interval runs for different race paces. Also, knows about gels and bars, drinks, shoes and clothes, road and trail races.

Wayne S ... Running with Jeff and the Ultimate Warriors has given me the inspiration and drive that I never expected. I have been running with Jeff for 9 years and I have gone way beyond my own expectations, I have achieved things that I never set out to do and surprised myself on many occasions. I would recommend Jeff to anyone who is looking for that "gentle push" forward from a motivator and a coach.

Todd M ... After training in a clinic and running the Toronto Half Marathon - my first race, I decided on trail races going forward. Distances don't stop at 42.2, and they aren't downhill. My first 25km trail race in 2005 nearly killed me. I remember finishing and then watching people go to do another 25km loop for the 50km distance. I simply could not believe it. Was it humanly possible? Read more...

Joshua Y ... I have been pretty much a solo runner for 16 years but during my first Ultra (Haliburton 2010), I chatted with several runners and discovered a group called the Ultimate Warriors in Toronto. They were well known to be full of years of knowledge and experience as well as a friendly bunch to run with. Read more...

Ed K ... I started doing some short runs about 10 years ago, just to see if I liked running. I eventually worked up to doing 5and 10K runs but could never imagine myself doing anything beyond that. Then I had a conversation with Jeff and he both inspired me and gave me the self-confidence that I could do any distance I wanted and really enjoy it! Read more...