Cooper's Last Race/ Next Race 2024


March 24th - Around The Bay 30K - #23 ... and first  DNF

April 27th - Pick Your Poison 50K - DNF

May 11th - Seaton Scramble 24K - DNF

May 25th - Sulphur Springs 50M - DNF - time to "rest up and recover" for Haliburton

September 7th - Haliburton 50M - One loop/ half the race in 10:15. Still was 5 minutes faster than last year ... and in the pouring rain too!! Another one done!


March 26th - Around The Bay 30K - #22  Got.It.Done again in 3:25 ... slowest one ... yet!

April  29th - Pick Your Poison 50K - Only managed 25K in 4:27 due to knee issues ... OUCH!

May 27th - Sulphur Springs 100K - Now THAT was fun ... NOT!! A 20K walk for 4 hours!

July 29th - Tally in the Valley 12HR - Rain, rain and more rain ... made it a pain! But finished 28K   (4 loops) in about 6 hours!

September 9th - Haliburton 50M -  Only did half the race in 10:20!!! Nice walk in the Forest!

October 28th - Javelina 100K - Only 66K done in 14:02 ... BUT the longest run in distance and time in 2023! Hoping for better things to come in 2024!


March 27th - Around The Bay  30K - #21 run and done! 2:54 ... definitely not my fastest ... but definitely  not my slowest! Very happy to get it finished under 3 hours!

April 30th - Pick Your Poison 50K - Slowest one ... yet! 7:25:04 ... but we ... again!!!

May 28th - Sulphur Springs 100K -  A tough one for sure! Hot & Humid and always lots of hills to climb ... but run and done!! ... 15:35:04

June 19-25th - Desert RATS 6 day 150M - GOT.IT.DONE. ... again! 43:25 Slower than last time ... but that was 8 years ago!! WooHoo!!!

July 30th - Tally In The Valley 12HR - 77K in 11:08. Not too bad ... for an "old" guy!

Sept 10th - Haliburton 50M - 17:05 ... Slowest one ... yet! But great training for Oil Creek

October 15th - Oil Creek 100K - 20:01:56 ... Another VERY tough one ... DONE!


July 24th - Tally in the Valley 12HR - 84K in 11:46:11 good for 7th place overall! Not bad for an old guy on a hot, humid day!!!

Sept 11th - Haliburton 50M - Toughest.Race.Ever. Happy to finish in 15:41:59. New course was definitely a challenge!

October 9th - Sticks & Stones 53K - Now THAT was fun ... but got it done. Very muddy & slippery with the rain all day. Only fell once! Happy to finish in 6:41:18

October 16th -  Oil Creek 100K - Due to the border closure, we had to defer to next year                                                                                                                         

March 29th - Around The Bay 30K - Cancelled
April 25th - Pick Your Poison 50K  -  Cancelled

May 9th - Seaton Soaker 50K - Cancelled 

May 26th - Sulphur Springs 100K - Cancelled

June 14th-20th - Desert R.A.T.S. 6 day, 148 mile Stage Race - Cancelled
July 25th -Tally in the Valley 12 Hour - Cancelled
September 12th - Haliburton 50M - Cancelled
September 26th - Sulphur Springs 100K - Cancelled
November 22nd - Around The Bay 30K - Cancelled

March 31st - Around The Bay 30K - 2:50:31 ... #20 in the books!!!
April 27th - Pick Your Poison 50K - 7:04:19 ... well a bit faster than last year but what a day! Snow, wind and mud ... lot's and lot's. But got. it. done ... again!!!
May 11th - Seaton Soaker 50K -7:14:57... Named Soaker for a reason!! Never an easy one with lot's of mud and more hills to climb. But the beer was well worth it!!
May  25th - Sulphur Springs 50M -11:57:08 ... Slowest 50M at Sulphur but with the Mud, Rain, Heat, More Rain, More Mud, More Heat and then a fierce torrential downpour but ... we got it done ... again!!!
July 27th - Tally in the Valley 12 Hour - 84K in 11:38:49 good for 5th place overall! Not bad on a hot, humid day!!!
August 17th - Swiss Alps 100 - 50K ... 11:09:53 ... toughest race ever! But somehow managed to finish!!
September 7th - Haliburton 50M - 11:52:55. Pored buckets but we got it done... again!!
October 5th - Run For The Toad 25K -2:44:57. Don't recall the last time I ran "only" 25K. Not too bad for the final Toad run!! Now getting ready for my 9th and final race of the year next weekend ... the BIG one!!!
October 12th - Oil Creek 100K -18:34:58 Yes, it was slow but got it done! Very tough course!! 9 races again ... getting older but still running!!

March 25th - Around The Bay 30K - 2 :44:58 ... got it done ... again ... on a beautiful day! ATB #19 for me!!
April 28th - Pick Your Poison 50K - 7:12:47 ... got it done ... again ... on the hardest course ... EVER! Lot's and lot's of snow, ice and MUD!!!
May 12th - Seaton Soaker 50K - 6:23:13 ... another one done! Not my best but much better than PYP!
May 26th - Sulphur Springs 50M - 10:38:37 ... wow ... HOT & HUMID but another one done!!
July 21st - Cayuga 50M - 14:06:50 ... WOW ... toughest 50M ... ever! Over 11,000 feet of climb and more stairs than you'd ever wanted to see in your life. But got it done!!!
August 18th - ITT 34K - 4:31:52 ... Another tough one ... but got it done!
September 8th - Haliburton Forest 50M - 12:35:26 ... Finished another one but ... Worst! Race!! Ever!!! Pretty much walked for the last 2 hours with sore knees after "stumbling" at least 50 times!!! Only one fall though:)
September 29th - Run For The Toad 50K - 5:50:36 ... another one in the books! Beat the 6 hour goal AND finished 2nd in my age group!!!
October 13th - Phoenix Trail Race 50K - 6:04:30 ... a beautiful but tough course! Got. It. Done ... again!!! 9 races ... should be enough right???

Mar 26th - Around The Bay 30K - 2:42:50 ... not too bad for an "old" guy!
April 29th - Pick Your Poison 50K - 6:41:24 ... not real happy with this one! A new slowest ... Will try for some redemption at Seaton! Bring. It. On.
May 13th - Seaton Soaker 50K - 6:14:39 ... well a bit slower than last year but faster than 2015! Something positive. Get ready for Sulphur!!
May 27th - Sulphur Springs 100K - 14:34:53 ... Humid, Muddy and Hilly made it "fun" but got it done!!
July 15th - North Face 50M - 13:05:32 Not the greatest! Hot, Humid and MUDDY!! Took a very nasty fall and then decided to finish in one piece!
August 19th - ITT 34K - 4:24:21 ... Definitely a tough technical one but got it done! Getting ready for TranSelkirks ...
August 28 to September 1st - TranSelkirks 5 Day, 100 Mile - 25:58:50. Toughest race ... yet! Over 33,000 ft of climb is definitely NOT easy!
Sept 9th - Haliburton 50K -7:17:59 ... Another tough one done!!

April 3rd - Around The Bay 30K - 3:09:51 ... and I thought last year was tough!! Got it done though!! No stopping so not bad considering it was a 5:00 a.m morning decision to run at all. Move on!!
April 30th - Pick Your Poison 50K - 6:39:05 ... always a tough day but the snow was replaced by the heat! Didn't make it any easier!!
May 14th - Seaton Soaker 50K - 6:05:36 ...Definitely a "Soaker"! But 15 minutes faster than last year!!
May 28th - Sulphur Springs 50M - 10:26:46 ... Hot, Hotter, Hottest race day ever!!! But still got it done ... in a respectable time too!!
June 18th - Niagara 100K - 13:32:15 A super HOT one ... but got it done!! 
July 16th - North Face 50M - 11:28:30. Well, faster than last year BUT after 3 falls, the last one nasty, I took it "easy" just to finish!
July 23rd - Dirty Girls 6HR - 40K. Not my best however happy to get through it on a super hot day! Another "first in the "old" man category.
August 9th to August 14th - Trans Rockies Solo 6 Day, 120 miles - 32:51:41. Slower than last year but the same awesome event! Elevation/ Altitude definitely had a different affect on me this year! But GOT. IT. DONE. AGAIN!!!
Sept. 10th - Haliburton 50K - 7:02:42. Been some time since I ran "only" 50K at Haliburton but had some fun and got it done!!
Oct 1st - Run For The Toad 50K - 5:49:36 Another one in the books!!! So "only" 10 races this year! 

March 29th - Around The Bay 30K - 2:44:59 Having to walk the last 2.5K cramping and having about 700 people pass you ... sucks!!!
April 25th - Pick Your Poison 50K - 6:17:07 Much better than last year but still work to be done!
May 9th - Seaton Trail 50K - 6:19:56 Pretty respectable in the heat and humidity. Where was that rain when we needed it??
May 23 - Sulphur Springs 50M - 10:02:11 Tough one but got it done!
July 4th - Laura Secord 100K - 13:46:32. Slower than planned but still managed first in the "old man" category (60-69)!
July 18th - North Face 50M - 13:09:45. Another tough day at the office ... but another first in the "old man" category!!
July 25th Dirty Girls 6 HR - 44K. Got it done again ... with another first in the "old man" category!! Starting to like being old ... Now comes the "A" race!!
August 11th to August 16th - Trans Rockies Solo 6 Day, 120 miles - 29:05:04. What an awesome event! Crazy or what?? Highly recommended but remember to train, train and train some more!! The beer was great too!!!
Sept 12th Haliburton 50M - 10:37:26 - Great day on a tough course!! Glad to run with and see the Big Guy set a new P.B. ... by 26 minutes. We rocked!!
Oct 3rd - Run for the Toad 50K - 5:30:44 - Had fun running with EricC for 3 loops and then BrendaE for the last. 10th race of 2015. Enough already!
October 31st Horror Hill 6HR - 54.09 KM. Run and done! #11 LAST one ... promise!!

March 30th - Around The Bay 30K - 2:39:42 Not my fastest BUT not my slowest!!
April 26th - Pick Your Poison 50K - 6:40:03 Not my fastest BUT definitely my slowest!!
May 10th - Seaton Soaker 50K - 6:09 Much better! Getting there ...
May 24th - Sulphur Springs 50M - 9:10:23 Desert RATS ... here we come!!
June 15-21st - Desert R.A.T.S. 6 day, 148 mile Stage Race - 35:44. Run and Done!!!
 Wow ... what an event! Great people and the views were simply awesome!
July 12th - North Face 50M - 11:30:50 Getting lost sucks!! No beer at the finish sucks worse!
July 27th - Escarpment Trail Run 30K - 5:26 Survived #15! Yahoo!!
October 4th - Run For The Toad 50K - 5:10:35 Much improved from last year! Not getting older, getting faster!!
October 25th - Horror Hill 6HR - 55.5K Not bad for an old guy! Another fun season of racing and already looking forward to next year!! See you out there!

Jan. 14th - SURGERY ... again!
Mar 24th - Around the Bay 30K - DNS
April 27th - Pick Your Poison - 12.5K - 1:34:58 WOW!
June 6th - Creemore 25K - 3:17 - HOT & SLOW ... but the beer was worth it!!!
July 28th - Escarpment Trail Run 30K - 5:56 - Never slower but never felt happier just to finish in one piece!
Sept. 7th - Haliburton 50M - guide runner/ pacer duties split with Jim Morrison for Rhonda-Marie Avery who finished in 15:08 ... simply awesome!!
Oct. 5th - Run For The Toad 50K - 5:51:37 - First 50K in over a year ...done!!
Oct. 19th - Vulture Bait 50K -DNS - Just too much "life" going on!

Mar. 25th - Around The Bay 30K - 2:24:50
April 28th - Pick Your Poison 50K - 5:52:37
May 12th - Seaton Trail 54K - 6:14:30
May 26th - Sulphur Springs 50M - 8:31:48 (PB)
June 23rd - Niagara 100K - 10:55:15
July 6th    - Swiss Iron Trail 141K - Cancelled due to bad weather
July 29th - Escarpment Trail Run 30K - 5:17:58
August 18th - ITT 50K - 5:49:26
Sept 4th - SURGERY  
Sept. 8th - Haliburton 50M - DNS
Sept. 29th - Run For The Toad 50K - DNS
Oct. 13th - Vulture Bait 50K - DNS



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